Monday, November 30, 2009


Rafa e-RICH Water Filter provides the family with clean water charged with energy for better absorption by the body. Its special power is found in Filter 5 and 6 which houses one and three Rafa Ener-G Stones respectively.
Rafa Ener-G Stones are similar to that of Rafa Ener-G Pendant. It has the same amazing features and power. But when it is included into the water filtration system, the effect are astounding! Rafa e-RICH Water Filter produces water rich in ENERGY!

Beta Rhythm frequency spins in an anti-clockwise direction and like other energy waves, can influence inert objects. Beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will affect water.
Transferring the "Nano Energising Frequency" into water affects the nanos within. When the mineral nanos comes into contact with its specific frequency, it behaves completely differently from the host atom, for instance: it boils quicker, is lighter and it refracts more light.

This natural resonance has the ability to create a molecular structure in all manufactured or treated liquid and vegetation.


When we are born we have a certain built-in energy. With age the body gradually loses its energy.

The water produced by Rafa e-RICH Water Filter is energy rich and is of is importance to your wellness. This molecular-structured water carries improved oxygen flow to the blood, assists in detoxification of free radicals, improves liver detoxification and improves nutrient take up by the body.

The Rafa Ener-G Stone alters the molecular structure in water and most liquids.

The secret to getting the maximum effect from the Rafa e-RICH Water Filter is by running water over Rafa Ener-G Stones within the filtration system and then use it for your drinking, cooking or coffee/tea.

From dead water to "Alive" in terms of its molecular properties

The Rafa e-RICH Water Filter with four Ener-G Stones transforms tap water from energetically dead to "alive" in terms of its molecular and other important physical properties outlined below, making it much more healthy for drinking, cooking; and is a superior water for plant growth or bio-remediation, composting and other uses.

It also has a natural softening effect imparted into energized water, without addition of chemicals or sodium. It rapidly transforms tap water drawn from treated city or municipal supplies into clear water of a fresh, vibrant, mountain-spring-like quality that is a pleasure to drink, even in cities and municipalities where the water supply is heavily chlorinated.
Important: Where the water source is muddy, especially in the East Coast states, it is necessary to add an external filter which has to be washed every 2 or 3 days. Without this external filter, and regular washing, the muddy sediments will clog up the filtration system in just a few days.
Use water from Rafa e-RICH Water Filter for all your needs - residential, commercial, industrial, for agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture and aquaculture.
Water produced by e-RICH is able to perform its functions of carrying the energized nutrients to cells and efficiently carrying off toxic wastes without depositing them.
Dead water vs energy Rich water
Water is a miraculous substance, composing of about 70 percent of the Earth's surface as liquid and solid state. It also can be said that life on earth exists because of abundant liquid water. However, not all water is alike.
Water can be categorized into two types; bound/dead water and structured/energy enhanced water.
Bound/dead water physically binds itself to other molecular structures and is unable to move as freely as structured water through the cell walls. Water fraught with foreign substances and frequencies is considered 'dead water' and has a tendency to leach energy from body system.
Structured/energy enhanced water, on the other hand, shares the same structure as those absorbed into our cells, thus it readily carries nutrients into our cells, and toxins out.

What are the benefits of e-RICH water?

  • Water enhanced with energy allows for better absorption and making it easier for the body to hydrate
  • Detoxify body organs
  • Fresher tasting drinking water
  • Enhance your sense of well being by drinking enhanced water
  • Balance and harmonize the life force in your body
  • Increased lathering ability of soap
  • Improved plant growth and seed germination

FAQ: Rafa e-RICH Water Filter

1. What is Rafa e-RICH Water Filter about?
Rafa e-RICH Water Filter features effective purifying capabilities. Its added power can be found in Filter 5 and Filter 6. As clean filtered water arrives at Filter 5 it comes into contact with one Rafa Ener-G Stone, similar to that of Rafa Ener-G Pendant. The water is immediately energised. It continues into Filter 6 where it comes into contact with 3 more Rafa Ener-G Stones to ensure that maximum energy levels are achieved.

2. What is Rafa Ener-G Stone?
The Rafa Ener-G Stone is an energy generating device. The energy created has abilities to rejuvenate molecular structures in water and all liquids. The molecular structure causes water to become more hydratious and taste better.
The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables, the body slowly also loses molecular chains and as we age they can be re-energized at a molecular level to provide energy, using Rafa Ener-G Stones.

3. What is the Rafa Ener-G Stone made of?
Rafa Ener-G Stones are made in South Korea. Technically engineered natural minerals are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

4. How does the Rafa Ener-G Stone work?
The Beta rhythm frequency spins in an anti clockwise direction and like other energy waves it can influence inert objects. For instance a magnetic field can influence metal objects and x-rays can influence film strip. Likewise Beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will influence liquids.

5. What is Rafa Ener-G Stones made of?
Rafa Ener-G Stones like Ener-G pendants contains 32 minerals locked into it by high heat fusion techniques that are technically engineered. Each mineral grain has its own individual shape and size, that when combined with the other minerals, through a catalytic conversion, generate the spinning resonance energy.

6. How does the energy transfer to the water using the Rafa Ener-G pendant?
As water passes through Filter 5 and Filter 6, it comes into contact with Ener-G Stones where it picks up the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth's surrounding many healing spring waters. As 70% of our bodies are made from water and it’s important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

7. Is there any expiry date?
The resonances of Rafa Ener-G Stones are not affected by the earth’s gravitational pull. Rafa Ener-G Stones will last beyond the 36 months or 3 years lifespan of Filter 5 and Filter 6.

8. What would be the effect after the expiry date?
Ener-G Stones are found in Filter 5 and Filter 6. These filters must be replaced within 3 years of usage. Rafa Ener-G Stones are known to work beyond 3 years and will be in full power within the period stated.

9. What makes Rafa e-RICH Water Filter works?
The Rafa Ener-G Stone is based on the facts and theories of Quantum Physics. It does not contain radio active elements that are harmful to the human body.

10. Can I use Rafa e-RICH water for any other purpose?
Enhance sleep: Sleep disruption is caused by many things; one such effect of poor or restless sleep is caused by E-Smog. These impulses are not dissimilar to cell phone frequencies; in this case they are generated from electrical cables hidden in walls and ceilings. By placing 4 bottles of e-RICH water at the 4 corner of your bed, the gentle frequency of the energised water will dispel the E-Smog effect on the body.
Lengthen vegetable’s shelf life: Spray e-RICH water on plastic wrappers of the vegetables before storing them in the fridge.
Cut flowers stay fresh longer: Replace water in vase with e-RICH water and watch your cut flowers stay fresh longer. Even wilting flowers can be revived with e-RICH water.
Keep bread fresh for another day: Cannot finish your loaf quickly? Spray e-RICH water on plastic wrapper on day of purchase. Bread will stay fresh longer.
Handy Refresher: Keep a small bottle of e-RICH water in your bag or pocket. Spray on face to refresh yourself!
Revive old vegetables: Soak yellowed vegetable overnight in a bowl of e-RICH water.

Energise water in aquariums:
Your fishes will enjoy e-RICH water. Introduce a third tank of e-RICH water with every water change.
Once you learn about the power of e-RICH water, you will find new and interesting application for this amazing water.

11. How does Rafa Ener-G Stone lock the chlorinated water?
Chlorine has been shown to destroy life. Fish and plants cannot live with it and it has been banned from the German drinking water for several years. Rafa e-RICH Water Filter effectively removes chlorine. The new molecular structure of the water will remove the smell, taste and odour of chlorine.

12. How does the Rafa Ener-G Stones increase the oxygen in the water?
There is no significant increase in the dissolved oxygen levels of the water. However, the new molecular structure locks in the oxygen molecules at a cellular level. That is to say, when one drinks the water, the body’s cells can easily absorb the oxygen within the liquid.

13. What is the difference between your Rafa e-RICH Water Filter and Ozone Water Treatment System, well known Water Treatment System?
The other systems are in the main, filtration systems which sanities and sterilize water; Rafa e-RICH does all that and then enrich the water with energy.
The benefits of living versus dead water are many. Dead water leach energy from body system while living water delivers energy to body system.
Energy enhanced water, shares the same structure as those absorbed into our cells, thus it readily carries nutrients into our cells, and toxins out.
The use of e-RICH are many (See point 10) and it is possible that users will find new use for Rafa e-RICH Water Filter.


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