Monday, November 30, 2009


Rafa e-RICH Water Filter provides the family with clean water charged with energy for better absorption by the body. Its special power is found in Filter 5 and 6 which houses one and three Rafa Ener-G Stones respectively.
Rafa Ener-G Stones are similar to that of Rafa Ener-G Pendant. It has the same amazing features and power. But when it is included into the water filtration system, the effect are astounding! Rafa e-RICH Water Filter produces water rich in ENERGY!

Beta Rhythm frequency spins in an anti-clockwise direction and like other energy waves, can influence inert objects. Beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will affect water.
Transferring the "Nano Energising Frequency" into water affects the nanos within. When the mineral nanos comes into contact with its specific frequency, it behaves completely differently from the host atom, for instance: it boils quicker, is lighter and it refracts more light.

This natural resonance has the ability to create a molecular structure in all manufactured or treated liquid and vegetation.


When we are born we have a certain built-in energy. With age the body gradually loses its energy.

The water produced by Rafa e-RICH Water Filter is energy rich and is of is importance to your wellness. This molecular-structured water carries improved oxygen flow to the blood, assists in detoxification of free radicals, improves liver detoxification and improves nutrient take up by the body.

The Rafa Ener-G Stone alters the molecular structure in water and most liquids.

The secret to getting the maximum effect from the Rafa e-RICH Water Filter is by running water over Rafa Ener-G Stones within the filtration system and then use it for your drinking, cooking or coffee/tea.

From dead water to "Alive" in terms of its molecular properties

The Rafa e-RICH Water Filter with four Ener-G Stones transforms tap water from energetically dead to "alive" in terms of its molecular and other important physical properties outlined below, making it much more healthy for drinking, cooking; and is a superior water for plant growth or bio-remediation, composting and other uses.

It also has a natural softening effect imparted into energized water, without addition of chemicals or sodium. It rapidly transforms tap water drawn from treated city or municipal supplies into clear water of a fresh, vibrant, mountain-spring-like quality that is a pleasure to drink, even in cities and municipalities where the water supply is heavily chlorinated.
Important: Where the water source is muddy, especially in the East Coast states, it is necessary to add an external filter which has to be washed every 2 or 3 days. Without this external filter, and regular washing, the muddy sediments will clog up the filtration system in just a few days.
Use water from Rafa e-RICH Water Filter for all your needs - residential, commercial, industrial, for agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture and aquaculture.
Water produced by e-RICH is able to perform its functions of carrying the energized nutrients to cells and efficiently carrying off toxic wastes without depositing them.
Dead water vs energy Rich water
Water is a miraculous substance, composing of about 70 percent of the Earth's surface as liquid and solid state. It also can be said that life on earth exists because of abundant liquid water. However, not all water is alike.
Water can be categorized into two types; bound/dead water and structured/energy enhanced water.
Bound/dead water physically binds itself to other molecular structures and is unable to move as freely as structured water through the cell walls. Water fraught with foreign substances and frequencies is considered 'dead water' and has a tendency to leach energy from body system.
Structured/energy enhanced water, on the other hand, shares the same structure as those absorbed into our cells, thus it readily carries nutrients into our cells, and toxins out.

What are the benefits of e-RICH water?

  • Water enhanced with energy allows for better absorption and making it easier for the body to hydrate
  • Detoxify body organs
  • Fresher tasting drinking water
  • Enhance your sense of well being by drinking enhanced water
  • Balance and harmonize the life force in your body
  • Increased lathering ability of soap
  • Improved plant growth and seed germination

FAQ: Rafa e-RICH Water Filter

1. What is Rafa e-RICH Water Filter about?
Rafa e-RICH Water Filter features effective purifying capabilities. Its added power can be found in Filter 5 and Filter 6. As clean filtered water arrives at Filter 5 it comes into contact with one Rafa Ener-G Stone, similar to that of Rafa Ener-G Pendant. The water is immediately energised. It continues into Filter 6 where it comes into contact with 3 more Rafa Ener-G Stones to ensure that maximum energy levels are achieved.

2. What is Rafa Ener-G Stone?
The Rafa Ener-G Stone is an energy generating device. The energy created has abilities to rejuvenate molecular structures in water and all liquids. The molecular structure causes water to become more hydratious and taste better.
The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables, the body slowly also loses molecular chains and as we age they can be re-energized at a molecular level to provide energy, using Rafa Ener-G Stones.

3. What is the Rafa Ener-G Stone made of?
Rafa Ener-G Stones are made in South Korea. Technically engineered natural minerals are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

4. How does the Rafa Ener-G Stone work?
The Beta rhythm frequency spins in an anti clockwise direction and like other energy waves it can influence inert objects. For instance a magnetic field can influence metal objects and x-rays can influence film strip. Likewise Beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will influence liquids.

5. What is Rafa Ener-G Stones made of?
Rafa Ener-G Stones like Ener-G pendants contains 32 minerals locked into it by high heat fusion techniques that are technically engineered. Each mineral grain has its own individual shape and size, that when combined with the other minerals, through a catalytic conversion, generate the spinning resonance energy.

6. How does the energy transfer to the water using the Rafa Ener-G pendant?
As water passes through Filter 5 and Filter 6, it comes into contact with Ener-G Stones where it picks up the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth's surrounding many healing spring waters. As 70% of our bodies are made from water and it’s important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

7. Is there any expiry date?
The resonances of Rafa Ener-G Stones are not affected by the earth’s gravitational pull. Rafa Ener-G Stones will last beyond the 36 months or 3 years lifespan of Filter 5 and Filter 6.

8. What would be the effect after the expiry date?
Ener-G Stones are found in Filter 5 and Filter 6. These filters must be replaced within 3 years of usage. Rafa Ener-G Stones are known to work beyond 3 years and will be in full power within the period stated.

9. What makes Rafa e-RICH Water Filter works?
The Rafa Ener-G Stone is based on the facts and theories of Quantum Physics. It does not contain radio active elements that are harmful to the human body.

10. Can I use Rafa e-RICH water for any other purpose?
Enhance sleep: Sleep disruption is caused by many things; one such effect of poor or restless sleep is caused by E-Smog. These impulses are not dissimilar to cell phone frequencies; in this case they are generated from electrical cables hidden in walls and ceilings. By placing 4 bottles of e-RICH water at the 4 corner of your bed, the gentle frequency of the energised water will dispel the E-Smog effect on the body.
Lengthen vegetable’s shelf life: Spray e-RICH water on plastic wrappers of the vegetables before storing them in the fridge.
Cut flowers stay fresh longer: Replace water in vase with e-RICH water and watch your cut flowers stay fresh longer. Even wilting flowers can be revived with e-RICH water.
Keep bread fresh for another day: Cannot finish your loaf quickly? Spray e-RICH water on plastic wrapper on day of purchase. Bread will stay fresh longer.
Handy Refresher: Keep a small bottle of e-RICH water in your bag or pocket. Spray on face to refresh yourself!
Revive old vegetables: Soak yellowed vegetable overnight in a bowl of e-RICH water.

Energise water in aquariums:
Your fishes will enjoy e-RICH water. Introduce a third tank of e-RICH water with every water change.
Once you learn about the power of e-RICH water, you will find new and interesting application for this amazing water.

11. How does Rafa Ener-G Stone lock the chlorinated water?
Chlorine has been shown to destroy life. Fish and plants cannot live with it and it has been banned from the German drinking water for several years. Rafa e-RICH Water Filter effectively removes chlorine. The new molecular structure of the water will remove the smell, taste and odour of chlorine.

12. How does the Rafa Ener-G Stones increase the oxygen in the water?
There is no significant increase in the dissolved oxygen levels of the water. However, the new molecular structure locks in the oxygen molecules at a cellular level. That is to say, when one drinks the water, the body’s cells can easily absorb the oxygen within the liquid.

13. What is the difference between your Rafa e-RICH Water Filter and Ozone Water Treatment System, well known Water Treatment System?
The other systems are in the main, filtration systems which sanities and sterilize water; Rafa e-RICH does all that and then enrich the water with energy.
The benefits of living versus dead water are many. Dead water leach energy from body system while living water delivers energy to body system.
Energy enhanced water, shares the same structure as those absorbed into our cells, thus it readily carries nutrients into our cells, and toxins out.
The use of e-RICH are many (See point 10) and it is possible that users will find new use for Rafa e-RICH Water Filter.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bio Energy Water Filter

With an ability to produce Alkaline-rich water, Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline claims to be the best water filter available in the market.

The alleged rich Alkaline content here is quantified by ORP (Oxidizing Reducing Potential), a common alkaline/acidic measurement that shows the electrical charge of liquid.

If the ORP is above zero then the liquid is acidic; which does no good to your body. But if the ORP meter reads below zero, it means the liquid tested is alkaline; which benefits your health being. In other words, the lower the OPR meter reads, the more beneficial the liquid is to your body.

Alkaline vs. Acidic
Why is Alkaline/Acid balance so fundamental? Various medical studies, over the past few decades, believes that Alkaline and Acid influences our bodies at the microscopic level. These studies suggest that acute acid content in one’s body is the source of many diseases such as cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and heart disease, to name a few.

In fact, Korean-American scientist Sang Wang, has proposed his theory about aging and longevity based on Alkaline and Acid content in human body called Reverse Aging.

But here’s the catch: Acid doesn’t only come from Acidic foods and drinks, but also pollution, stress and bad lifestyle in general. So what gives?

Star Alkalizing
Well, you ought to start Alkalizing. Mineral water bottles available on the market are not enough to Alkalize your body. Pure vitamin C, with OPR level slightly below 100, requires constant consumption to keep you Alkalized. In fact, purified water only reaches ORP level of 200.

Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline filtration offers a solution; consisting of six water filters, Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline not only functions as normal water filter (which usually consists of four or five filters), but also manages to add in an additional filter which function to produce active Hydrogen.

The Hydrogen produced will have positive effect in Alkalizing our body. The water filtered by Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline shows ORP level of 250.

Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline filtration has five benefits it promotes that includes general health and cosmetic advantages. With the dense and penetrable Alkaline level, it claims to be able to produce water that helps neutralise body acidic toxic, emulsify fat, speed up metabolism, maintain skin elasticity, eliminate free radicals and clear up body toxin.

So if you have always been longing for that basic health keeper, your answer could very well be as simple as revolutionary water filter that produces Alkaline-studded water that is Shimono Antioxidant Alkaline filtration.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Drink Water?

Without water you could exist no more than a few days. That is why water is considered the most important nutrient to our body. Our bodies are made up of approximately 60-65 percent water. Muscle is made up of 70 percent water, while fat is only 22 percent. Water is responsible for transporting needed nutrients to the body's cells and transporting the waste out. This is why water is so important to us.

When a person does not drink enough water daily his or her body will tend to save it. We call this water weight. It occurs when the body stores more water than is necessary. There are other reasons some people are prone to water weight. For some it may be a diet high in sodium or starchy carbohydrates. For women it may fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle.

How much water do we need daily? Some professionals say 64 ounces, while others say ½ ounce per pound of body weight. Since no two people are alike I recommend drinking ½ ounce of water per pound of body weight considering you have no medical ailments. For example, some people with heart problems are unable to drink that much fluid or a dangerous amount of fluid buildup could occur. If you are one of these people consult with your physician for advice.

Your daily water intake could also vary depending on your physical activity level. The more active you are the more water your body will need.

You can get water from a variety of sources like fruits, fruit juice, tea, soft drinks, and some foods; however the more water you drink in plain form the better.

Since most city water contains chlorine and other unwanted contaminants we recommend drinking reverse osmosis water.

NOTE: Even though soft drinks contain water keep in mind that most also contain caffeine which actually dehydrates the body. In fact, any drink that contains caffeine will act as a diuretic.

Water and Fat Loss

The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available the more fat it will burn for energy. Without the presence of oxygen the body cannot utilize stored fat for energy efficiently. Not only will the body burn more fat when well hydrated but because the increased oxygen levels you will also have more energy.

Drink water, it will do your body good!

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Neos Vital Energy Water Purifier

Pi Water - vital water

 image image

The N eos features 8 stages of energizing filtration which begins with a magnetic filter that's followed by a powerful pre-filtering process to remove gross particles.

The filter then focuses on minute filtration and vitalization of the water by reducing the size of the water molecules. The finer filtration boasts a pore size of 0.01 micron and according to research, the vitalising properties of the Neos Vital Energy System are anti-aging and scavenging of free radicals, removing active oxygen and improving metabolism thereby supporting the immune system and help to combat illness and disease.

1. Magnetic Unit
This magnetic device produces 5 000 Guass which makes each water molecule very small, therefore more available to our cells. This filter is permanent and will not need to be replaced.

2. Sediment Filter
This filter effectively removes impurities such as rust, and other particulates in the water. This filter will need to replaced approximately every 6 months.

3. Carbon block filter
This filter removes odours, tastes, chlorine, agricultural chemicals, detergents, pigments, THM, heavy metals such as Arsenic, Manganese, Mercury and much more. This filter needs to be replaced every 12 months or 10 000 litres.

4. Vital energy filter I
This filter changes the water molecule into a very small cluster which the cells can integrate easily. This improves metabolic performance and general health. This filter needs to be replaced every 2 years or 20 000 litres.

5. Ultra filtration filter
This filter removes impurities such as particluate matters, parasites and waterborne pathogens like bacteria and E-Coli through it small pore size of 0.01 micron. This filter needs to be replaced every 12 months or 10 000 litres.

6. ACF filter
This filter removes odours, tastes, chlorine, agricultural chemicals, detergents, pigments, THM, heavy metals such as Arsenic, Manganese, Mercury and much more. This filter needs to be replaced every 2 years or 20 000 litres.

7. Vital energy filter II
This transforms dead water to vibrant water while restraining harmful ions. It also enhances anti-oxidative power which removes free radicals and active oxygen which is known to be very harmful to the body. This filter needs to be replaced every 2 years or 20 000 litres.

8. Anti-bacterial unit
This part of the vital energy system works to prevent secondary contamination of purified water by bacteria and E-Coli and also to generate abundant Hydrogen which removes activated oxygen within the human body. It also improves the taste of the water, enhances mineral ingredients and helps to keep this water fresh for a longer time. Filter duration of approximately 12 months.

More about Pi Water?

Over 70% of our bodies are comprised of bodily liquid (living body water). Needless to say, the quality of water we consume everyday makes a tremendous impact on our health. Ordinary tap water contains chlorine and heavy metals that damage cellular tissues of our bodies. Distilled water is the water which harmful substances are eliminated, and it may be suitable to satisfy just our thirst. However, Pi Water possesses much higher merit than the simple distilled water.

Pi Water was introduced by Dr. Akihiro Yamashita (a Professor at the Agricultural Department, Nagoya University) in 1964. Since then, many studies have been done on Pi water in various fields, and today its usage is widely spread. Pi water is very similar to bodily liquid, characteristic wise, and is created by adding Ferric Ferrous Salt (Fe2Fe3) to water through ceramics. When Fe2Fe3 is added to ordinary tap water, it quickly breaks down the chlorine and suppresses the increase of excessive free radical, and also breaks down the water cluster to much smaller size.

The purified and activated water with smaller clusters possesses a function of protecting cells from various stimulants. That is, Pi water is the water that eliminates negative substance in our body system, increases immunity, and possesses self-healing power.


Model Name
Neos Vital Pi Energy Water System

310 x 215 x 400 (mm)

Net/gross weight
6.3kg / 7.0 kg

Inner water tank
2.8 litres

Water pressure
20 - 120 psi

Filtration capacity
30 litres / hr (20oc, 20 psi)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Drink More Water For More Energy


What makes up 70-80% of our planet? Water. What makes up 70-80% of our body? That's right water.

Water is the single most important nutrient you will give your body apart from oxygen. Water rejuvenates us and carries vital nutrients all round the body where it's needed. Water picks up all the leftovers
wastes and debris that the cells throw off into the lymph system and transport them out of the body via the channels of elimination.

So when you drink more water it has the double combination of feeding your body and clearing you of all the waste products that were built up in your system.
Your brain needs water and plenty of it. Without water your brain will operate worn out tired and sluggish. Water is the ultimate gift to give yourself to think with clarity. In addition water acts as a kind of healthy lubricant moistening tissues and joints.

When you drink you want to avoid tap water. Tap water is more like a dazzling mix of chemicals. It contains fluoride chlorine and many others. The amount of chemicals in water will fill up books - it's more like a chemical soup. The evidence that fluoride is poisonous is so overwhelming that it's being pushed to be banned in many countries by action groups.

The thirst mechanism when having been turned off for a prolonged period is often mistaken for hunger. As you drink more water your thirst mechanism will return to its natural state. Not only will you begin to feel thirsty when you need water again
but your appetite will decrease.

This brings us to the next big thing you need to understand about water. If I asked you the difference between inorganic and organic minerals chances are you couldn't tell me right? Well let’s briefly explain the difference. It's a simple difference. Organic minerals come from plants; inorganic minerals come from rocks and volcanic sources. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body. Inorganic minerals are not used by the body and are stored until suitable water can come and carry them out. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body while inorganic cannot. One is derived from natural plant life; one is derived from rocks filings and small pieces of grit. Which one makes more sense to use?

It’s better to get your plant minerals through the food you eat rather than the inorganic form in water. Bottled water is often taken tested and found to have bacteria and very often isn't rated much better than tap water.
Do you know the best water to use? The best water to use is the same water you use in your iron. The purest water in the world is distilled water. It's as pure as rainwater should be if our atmosphere wasn’t polluted.
If you haven't yet heard that 70% of the world's population is dehydrated - you will soon as the UN push to get proper water supply to people in the third world.
The second best method of filtering is a type of filtering called "reverse osmosis". Unfortunately the standard bench top filter isn’t enough.

Most of the nasty contaminants in our water simply don't have a taste. Some people feel it's a case of out of sight out of mind. This may work for things people think
yet when it comes to your body the life of your children the health of those you care about and the line between getting cancer and surviving it's far short of acceptable.
The opportunity for energy for vitality for a quality of life is only known to a select few who choose to raise their standards and take action to apply what they know. New discoveries are being made all the time as new research comes out of the United States out of Germany and out of Australia and other countries. How does this apply to me you may ask? Well these contaminants can kill you. Is this a reason to get upset? No it’s simply an action signal to act smarter.

The best bit is when you’re drinking absolutely pure distilled water it is so much easier to drink. It's so easy to refreshingly flood your body with purity that will flush out chemicals clear out the lymph system and contribute to expelling excess weight in the body. Distilled water is so easy to drink and be absorbed by your body without having to flush out the other nasties first that many people report who were struggling to drink half a litre of water a day are now drinking 4 litres a day and up
with ease! If you can’t get distilled water reverse osmosis filtered or table water is the next best option.

Many people in third world countries don't have access to a clean water supply. We in developed countries have currently almost unlimited access to clean water. My suggestion to you is to use it!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the information sink water filter

Do you like mineral water, if so, determine how much money is spent in a year for bottled water? Did you know that the plastic bottle is not the environment? Well, help save the environment and to stop a fortune for bottled water. You can enjoy that same right to quality of tap water with a filter of them sink under the water.

There are several manufacturers that this type of water supply Filtration system. Every product manufacturer is available in different price affordable. What you pay for a filter under the sink tap water or even what we spend in a year on bottled water. Are you sure that an economic entity that can meet your needs.

These systems are becoming more popular than ever, because of the health craze that all about. Another important trend that sales are concerned, and use filters to fall below the water is the fact that many consumers are more environmentally friendly than before. We are finally starting to realize how damaging that can be our actions, environment, and the purchase of bottled water is no different. Not the fact that you buy the water is the water container is sold as environmentally friendly.

Bottled water is healthier, not to mention a taste better than water straight from the tap. Now you do not have to worry about that any longer. The under sink water filter works off of an osmosis affect that removes the impurities from the water. The water will be fresh and clean, just like the water that you drink from a purchased bottle.

Reverse osmosis is the reason for the purified taste. It removes all of the pollutants, cysts, lead, chemicals, chlorine or whatever out of the water. You wouldn’t believe what is in your <b > The water, if you have a system like this. This water is passed through different filters, which are made of carbon. The water is through a very thin material that the tiny particles that have passed through the filter of another may help identify the filtrate.

There are many different units for you to choose from. Some devices have a storage capacity of 2.5 liters. This means it does not end clean, clean> Water. Other features include filter life and a guarantee for long. There will be some maintenance work with this system, however, if the filters are designed to handle up to 900 liters of water. A complete installation kit is supplied with the product when you buy them.

Ready to start saving money? Wants an environmental conscience? This is an excellent starting point. Stop buying plastic bottles in a landfill forever. You can now fill their own bottles with tap water and can then reuse. You can not just under the sink water filters help to save money, but also makes you feel better.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drinking Water Can Help Your Diet

Drinking water can help you in your efforts to lose weight, says a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center nutritionist.

"Water can decrease your appetite," said Mara Z. Vitolins, R.D., Dr. P.H., assistant professor of public health sciences (epidemiology). "It is hard to distinguish between being thirsty and being hungry, so try drinking water and waiting 20 to 30 minutes to see if you're still hungry."

Vitolins, who also is part of the Center for Research on Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention, added that drinking water also may help you cut calories.

"Most people drink sodas, coffee, and other such beverages and totally disregard drinking plain water," she said. "Replacing the higher calorie beverages with plain water or flavored water (without added sugar) can significantly reduce calories."

Furthermore, most of these drinks contain caffeine. "The caffeine acts as a diuretic to set you up for dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty, you already are dehydrated."

People of all ages need to drink plain water, she said.

"Water is an important nutrient and is vital for a variety of bodily functions and processes including removal of waste products, carrying nutrients, and regulating body temperature," she said. "Water helps reduce fluid retention, and helps keep bowel functions normal."

How much water is enough?

Vitolins says one way to calculate how much you need is to take your weight in pounds and divide by two. The result is the number of ounces of water you should drink a day. So a 100- pound woman needs to drink 50 ounces of water each day -- just a little more than four 12-ounce glasses, or three bottles of water (which usually are 500 milliliters or 16.9 ounces.) A 175-pound man would need five bottles of water.

"I think many people would greatly benefit by recording the amount of water they drink in a day," Vitolins said. "Many folks I have asked to do this are surprised at how little they drink. It is an essential nutrient yet so few actually get enough!"

Drinking plenty of water is as important in the winter as it is during the summer, Vitolins said.

"Most people realize fluid is used to produce sweat which keeps us cool during exercise and the hot temperatures of summer, but not as many are aware that the body also needs water to stay warm," she said. "The best way to illustrate this is to think of your car. The radiator needs fluid regardless of the weather."

Vitolins said some people need to speak with their physician prior to increasing their water intake, "especially people with kidney problems that require fluid restriction."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ultra Energy Water System

Domestic: Indoor Water Filter

+ Natural energy and high oxygen contents
+ Water molecule clusters are the smallest
+ Easily penetrates into and absorbs by our body cells
+ Contains essential minerals
+ Effectively removes impurities and toxins from our body
+ High effective filtration system
+ Bacteria and viruses free
+ Easy and quick installation
+ Economics, easy operation and handling

Ultrafiltration Membrane

- Filters impurities up to 0.01 micron
- Removal ability of bacteria, viruses, organic, suspended solids, silt & other harmful substances
- Produces less turbidity than 0.1 NTU

Click the thumbnails for larger view

Taste & Odor Removal
- Absorb taste & odor of organic compounds including chlorine & bezene

Bio Ceramic
- It makes smaller water molecule clusters & vital energy of the water activities, also making it easier to be absorbed by our tissues
- Energizes & softens water, making it highly soluble

4 Stages Cartridge
Human metabolism and improve blood circulation. Emits of high far infrared
Increase mineral content in the water
Crystal can be used “Harmonise’ other energies like far infrared energy, magnetic force so that can be accepted by Auric Field and do not cause any distribution or puncturing allowing unwanted negative forces to enter our Auric Field
Smaller water molecule clusters & vital energy of the water activities

Mineral Stone & Activated Carbon
- Filtering of heavy mental, clear off offensive smell, balancing the pH, increasing oxygen supply, restoration of water quality & taste

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Hunza Living-Energy Water Systems

What is more important to health than clean,
unpolluted water that contains the
Life-Force Energy?

The Hunza Living-Energy Water Systems re-oxygenate the water giving it more life-force energy to benefit all living organisms, and seems to bind heavy metals and other substances such as chlorine so that they do not build up either in your pipes or in your body.

The Hunza utilizes one of nature's hidden secrets.  It is not magnetic and it's energy has no polarity.  The device alters the atoms of the water pipe and hot water tank along with the water passing through.  By attaching one to the outside pipe of your incoming water supply and one on top or next to your hot water system, you will (within 2 or 3 days) have delicious, energized water that is alive with energy and free of odor and chlorine.  This is a device that requires no chemicals, electrical power or maintenance and will last indefinitely

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The large Aqua Hunza is used for houses,

industry, and commercial nurseries. 199.99 each.

Most water softeners exchange sodium salts for the less-soluble calcium salts present in the water.  However, sodium salts are not beneficial to health, especially where heart and cardiovascular problems are concerned. The Hunza Living-Energy Water Softener relies on an ionizing action claimed to diminish objectionable odors and tastes, meanwhile retaining natural minerals for healthier consumption.

No need to cut pipes or disturb the water meter.

Hunza Living Energy Water Systems attach to the outside pipe of your water supply, and users attribute remarkable results to its use, including delicious, energized water that is alive with energy and free of odor and chlorine.  With a Hunza Water System your water will taste, smell, feel and be so much better for you and for your plants and animals.

Using the Hunza Water Energy System

The Hunza System is among the best products available from The system was produced by the manufacturer from the outgrowth of 20 years testing and marketing products worldwide.

By simply strapping one energy tube to your incoming water supply and placing the other on or next to your hot water system you can have delicious, chlorine-free water that contains the Life Force Energy.  The unit will produce soft hot water for washing, showering and cooking.  This device will produce chlorine-free, live-energy water that is beneficial to all life forms such as plants, agricultural products, animals, and humans.

The Hunza system requires no chemicals, electricity, or maintenance costs.  Installation requires only a few minutes to attach the unit to the incoming water pipe. (If you can't find the incoming water pipe you can attach the tube to the plumbing beneath your kitchen sink.)  This device utilize a 4th dimensional energy that cannot be measured with any known instruments. The atoms of the unit have been altered. This alteration tunes the unit into a source of FREE energy and it continues to function indefinitely.  Within one or two days, all water passing by the Ionizer becomes free of chlorine and a change in the structure of the water occurs.   Each Ionizer is creating approximately a five foot field of energy in all directions from the unit.  By osmosis, this higher energy alters the atoms of the metal pipe and water heater causing a structural change in the water.  (The unit is not recommended for use on PVC pipe but only on steel or copper water pipes.)  The alteration of the atoms of the pipe and water heater is how this product works. If a scientific fact is not understood, it is called a MIRACLE.  This is not a miracle 85 as the manufacturer understands the scientific workings of this higher energy.  All of their products utilize this free energy.

Other Applications for the Hunza Tube

As this device produces a field of energy in all directions (like a bubble of positive energy) the atoms in the metal water pipes and the hot water heater are altered.  It was learned some years ago that after a period of time the unit could be removed and the plumbing would continue to ionize the water.  The manufacturer has not evaluated this idea 85 but pass it on to you for your own evaluation. Also, the unit could be placed in one room of a house to raise the vibration of the entire room.

The manufacturer's design and configurations determine the amount of material used in the tube.  For experimenters, it might be interesting to remove the tube from the pipe (after 3 or 4 weeks) and place the tube into your refrigerator (lay it on any shelf).  You might have to turn down your thermostat as all of your food might freeze.  If so, readjust your thermostat (or remove the unit). This is how the Fridge Fresheners work 85 to make food last longer, to remove odors, and to reduce energy costs.


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As water supplies become more highly saturated with dissolved minerals (mainly calcium salts), the ability of soaps and detergents to perform effectively diminishes.  The mineral saturation of water demands the use of more and more detergent.  It also lacks the ability to dissolve and carry away the dirt and soil for which detergents are used.

The Hunza Living-Energy Water Systems solve this problem by the principle of "ionization" of water, and this evidently increases its ability to hold salts in solution. The water is able to effect the detergent action upon dirt and soil, using far smaller amounts of soap and detergent, and objectionable odors and tastes are diminished. Best of all, natural minerals remain for consumption for good health.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Energy Filtration System (NK EZ-700)

Product Code: ES-NKEZ-700

1st Stage: Ceramic Filter
Ceramic Filter 0.3 Micron
Consist of highly compressed ceramic diatom and stop the propagation of bacteria, germs and viruses. Filter removes and reduces dirt, solids and dangerous bacteria such as typhoid, chorela, Bilharzia & Amoebas. Doulton Ceramic Filter element in EARTH. The material of diatomaceous earth (D.E), a fossel subtance, made of tiny silicon shell left by trillions of microscopic, one celled algoe called diatom that have in habited the earth for the last 150 millions year.

2nd Stage: Pre-Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Reduction of taste, odor, color, insecticide, synthetic detergents and etc. This filter ultilizes 20x50 mesh activated carbon for the reduction of chlorine and other contaminants down to 10 micron.

3rd Stage: Resin Softener
Ion Exchange Acid
This is identification according with international safety standard, it can slight trace of heavy metal, radiation material, chemical and chemical reduces from agriculture then water molecules would be soften. This type resin are standard with high capacity for softening and demineralization where the strong acid functionally is impacted through a proces of sulfonation. Strong acid cation are available either gel or macro porous form or in MACRONET functionalised absorbents.

4th Stage: Magnetized
Magnetic energy water capable pH penetrating the human body, dissolving water of small molecules and clear free redicals inside our body magnetized filter is a concept design for providing more oxygen into the water while breaking water molecules into smaller size form and activated. Technically this filter design is to help our body to absorb more oxygen into the blood with a smaller molecules help blood flow easily and a healthy life.

5th Stage: Bio Ceramic
Far Infra-Red + magnetized
While water flow though the bio with 6-11mm magnetic wave, the water will break into molecules become ISO-Energetic bio water. This water will improve body metabolism, maintain body function & increase body resistant. The water also contain high and cart away arsenic, waste & toxin inside the body to meet energy treatment and body activation.

6th Stage: Crystal Stone
This energy thus is softest and closet to human Aura and can be used to naturally harmonies other energies like Far-Infar-Red energy, magnetic force. The combination of these positive factors is acceptable without disruption by and concurrently, prevents the entry unwanted negative force to the Auric field.

7th Stage: Post Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
While removing chlorine and organic materials from water, the cellar activated carbon in these filter stand up to the absorption common in this kind of filter and it provides final filtration and produces almost 100% pure water. This filter ultilizes 20x30 mesh activated carbon for final filtration water for drinking standard type.

NIKOM INTERNATIONALEnergy Filtration SystemEnergy Water system

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why You Need Energy Water?

Is your health deterring you from enjoying life to the fullest? Are you constantly suffering from a lot of health problems?

"You Can Enjoy A Healthier Lifestyle & Better Health Effortlessly!"

Finally, A Proven And Affordable Solution For A Healthier Living Without Dieting, Starving, Expensive Supplements, Home Water System Or Medicine!

Better and Healthy Lifestyle Are you looking for a healthy lifestyle and better health generally?
Better Skin Complexion Do you want to detox your body effectively?

Better Skin Complexion Do you want better skin complexion that looks brighter?
No more constipation Do you want to free yourself from constipation problems?
Better Immune System Would you like to enhance your self-healing immune system?
Remove Toxins From Body Do you want to remove toxins from your body and enhance the absorption of nutrient to our body?
Healthy Body System How would you like to keep your body systems from oxidation attack?
Better and Healthy Lifestyle Are you looking for better health generally?

You can get all these health and beauty benefits almost instantly!

"it's so easy to get a healthy lifestyle!"
I even bring ENERDEV Energy Tumbler while working and travelling. Not only do I drink 50% much MORE water then before, I have fewer headaches and less mouth ulcer and less "heatiness". Even my kids visit the doctor less - ever since we began drinking energy water.
- Diane, Australia

Dear friend,
You are exposed to pollutants and toxins daily - the air you breathe may be polluted, the water you drink might be contaminated, the food you eat may contain lots of preservatives, artificial colouring and flavoring and others.

Toxic cells are recognized as the root of over 90% of known diseases. It is very important to detoxify your body's cells daily to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay healthy.

You may have purchased expensive massage equipment, gone through painful foot reflexology, tried ion cleansing and food supplement programs for body detoxification. But you are missing the most important element - WATER!
Water is your solution towards a healthy lifestyle. Water is an imperative agent of body detoxification.

If you are using home energy water system or are thinking of purchasing an expensive home energy water system.... THINK AGAIN!
Regular bowel movement is important in discharging toxins from the colon. Colon cleansing can be done by consuming bio-fibre. Body detoxification programs highly stresses on drinking 4 to 5 litres of water every day to facilitate the discharge of coprolith from the colon. But the fact remains - it is very difficult for you to consume that amount of normal drinking water EVERYDAY!
But there's hope! You can detoxify your body without having to drink the large amount of 5 litres of water daily!

"smooth, refreshing and simply fantastic..."
I enjoy the smooth and refreshing taste of ENERDEV energy water and I use it for cooking, boiling soup and preserve the freshness of vegetable and meat. Amazingly, after 4 months of drinking ENERDEV energy water, my skin complexion looks brighter with less aging pigmentation. I also noticed that I have less wrinkles at the corner of my eyes.
- Anne, UK

Get the healthy lifestyle you desire and deserve to enjoy your life to the fullest!

Chi Energy Water, with its unique characteristics, effectively helps to enhance the detoxification process by your body's cells. Over 30 users of clinical studies by researchers in Japan have proven that patients with stomach cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis B, urinary bladder cancer, obesity, chronic bronchitis and dermatits have shown significant improvement by taking energy water regularly.

Small cluster energy water tastes smoother, sweeter and is easily absorbed into your body. This means that you will drink more than 30-100% water without feeling bloated or having the full-stomach sensation. Your body can now discharge toxins effectively from the colon and prevents any constipation too! Those who suffer from constipation will experience noticeable improvements within a week or two after consuming energy water.
Enjoy a healthy lifestlye with Energy Water. It helps to detox your body effectively and safely...

normal water drinking molecules

Normal Drinking Water
Big water molecule clusters (H20).
Not easily absorbed into the body's cell.

healthier lifestyle with better nutrient absorption

With Energy Water - Nutrient In!
Energy water with small water molecule clusters (H20) are easily absorbed into
the body's cell. Its high solubility effectively enhance the absorption of nutrient to the body.

healthier lifestyle without toxins in the body

With Energy Water - Toxins Out!
High dissolving power of energy water binds to the waste toxins in our body and flushes them out through urination, perspiration, and others.

The perfect solution to a better and healthier lifestyle – Energy Water!

What is Energy Water?
Energy water, also known as water in oriental science was created by both Dr. A Yamashita (Nagoya University, Agriculture faculty) and Dr. S Makino (Tohoku University, Science faculty). It is very similar to our body’s water content - both in physical characteristics and biological activities.

It is not a medicine. However, with over 30 years of clinical studies by many researchers, particularly in Japan, have proven that many people with illnesses such as stomach cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis B, urinary bladder cancer, obesity, chronic bronchitis, atory dermatitis, and others, have shown significant improvements in their health by drinking energy water.
Ordinary Tap Water Energy Water from Engergy Tumbler for healthy lifestyle

Imagine! A better and healthy lifestyle just by drinking energy water regularly.
The unique characteristics of energy water:

Micro in water molecules clusters - making it much easier to be absorbed by our body

Rich in oxygen

Posses bio-energy("chi" or "qi" in oriental medicine) to support living activities of body and enhance self-healing immune system

You can get Energy Water in just 2 minutes with EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler!
EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is not a magical gadget or gimmick. It is a unique, effective and affordable Energy Tumbler that upgrades normal water into energy water and increases your body’s water content by more than 30%.
Conventional home energy water system is expensive and the water resumes to normal after a short period!
energy water tumbler for healthy lifestyle and better living
You do not require an expensive Energy Water System to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Just fill drinking water into the EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler.

The Chi energy of its natural bio-ceramic will continuously energize the water and form healthy energy water that is small in molecule cluster, rich in oxygen that can easily be absorbed into your body.
With an active lifestyle, our body frequently
loses water which is crucial for our health. By drinking energy water, your body will be replenished with 30-100% more water that effectively cools off excessive body heat, prevent dehydration and reduce sickness.

This unique tumbler is the first-of-it-kind to provide you with a healthier lifestyle.
Best of all, it is 100% safe and effective. You can drink energy water anytime and enjoy a healthy lifestyle anywhere!

Get EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler to enjoy better health
and get a healthy lifestyle today!

energy water increase body's water content for healthy livingenerdev for healthy living and better lifestyle

"helps my health without any medication!"
I used to suffer from constipation problems and I could only past motion in 2 to 3 days. Ever since, I started drinking ENERDEV Energy Water, I managed to overcome the problem without any medication and now I am able to past motion everyday. With ENERDEV Energy Tumbler, I have also increased water consumption by more than 100% especially after exercising.
- Steve, Ohio

The Benefits of Energy Water

  • Enhance the absorption of nutrients and detoxification of your body

  • Promotes metabolism for optimum health

  • Reinforces self-healing immune system against diseases

  • Prevents constipation problems, headaches, "heatiness", mouth ulcer, skin problems and more

  • Tastes smoother, sweeter and is easily absorbed by your body's cell

Did You Know?

Energy water produced by normal Energy Water Filtration System will resume to normal and diminish in health effect!
The "Chi" Technology ensures that energy water willhealthier lifestyle - chi for energy

NOT resume to normal for maximum health effect.

ENERDEV energy tumbler is made of "Chi" technology material that resulted from state-of-the art bio-wave technology. It combines Japan's high purity natural bio-ceramic into quality plastic materials. The "chi" energy of the bio-ceramic continuously resonant with the water molecule clusters and will upgrade the quality of the water into energy water. This energy water contains "chi", is rich in oxygen and small in water molecule clusters that can be easily absorbed by our body's cell.

EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is portable and convenient for everybody! You can enjoy and deserve a better and healthy lifestyle too!
If you want to enjoy a better and healthy lifestyle, you should
get the EnerDev™ Energy today!

Why You Should Get EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler!

Branded Energy Water System

  • Expensive
    (More than $500)
  • The burden of changing filters cartridge annually
  • Normal bio-ceramic, normal "Chi" energy
  • Incompatible or cannot be used with other brands water filters
  • Resume to normal water after a short period (1-2 hours)
  • Not portable.

ENERDEV Energy Water

  • Affordable
    (From only $39.95)
  • Long life-span. No burden of changing cartridge.
  • High purity bio-ceramic with more than 2 times the level of "Chi-energy" of branded energy water filtration system. Thus, providing energy water with better health effect.
  • Complements all types of water purifiers and can be used for all types of water.
  • "Chi" energy continuously "energize" the water. This ensures small cluster energy water with the best health effect for consumer.
  • Portable and convenient for all usage.

Use EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler for Energy Water in 2 Easy Steps

1. Treat EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler with hot (NOT boiling) water (80-90°C). You can either cleanse it with hot water for 5 minutes or soak it overnight.
2. Fill your EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler with drinking water. Allow 2 minutes for the water to be effectively "energized".

That's all you have to do! Fill it with drinking water!

EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler does not require any maintenance. However, it should be washed with hot or clean water regularly since our mouth is in direct contact with tumbler while drinking and may contaminated it with bacteria. You may also clean the inside with soft bristle brush.
A little cleaning tip: fill EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler with salty water and soak overnight will help to prevent smelliness.

Note: It would also be advisable not to put the tumbler too close to electrical items such as the TV or computer, as those electical items emit electromagnetic fields. You can reduce these negative electromagnetic fields with Chi WaveGuard.

EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler Provides You With Energy Water For A Healthy Lifestyle

  • Guaranteed Effective! EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is made of "Chi" technology material that resulted from state-of-the art bio-wave technology. It combines Japan's high purity natural bio-ceramic into quality plastic materials.

  • 100% Safe & Natural! EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler has been used by thousands of people for a healthier lifestyle. It is an effective way of getting energy water in a tumbler. The "Chi" Technology ensures that energy water will not resume to normal for maximum health effect.

  • Works For Everyone! Because EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is portable, just fill it up and anyone can enjoy energy water – be it in the school, office, gym or at home!

  • Portable, Easy, Fast & Convenient! Before using it, treat with hot water (80-90°C). It does not require any maintenance. All you need to do is clean it regularly, just like how you would with a regular tumbler! Also, you can use the tumbler anytime, anywhere you want and bring it along wherever you go! Definitely the perfect way to keep a healthy lifestyle!

  • Affordable! Compared to expensive home energy water system and the hassles of changing the filter cartridges, EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is the most affordable option. With EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler, you can have energy water and a healthier lifestyle with just a fraction of the price!

  • For A Lifetime! It is long lasting - like crystal stone or permanent magnet. Research in Japan has proven that bio-ceramic continuously release "chi" energy for more than 30 years. Therefore some consider it as lasting a lifetime.

Special Introductory Offer If You Order Now…
For now, you can get it for just $34.95 (small size 500ml) & $40.95 (standard size 800ml).
(Note: this is a time-limited special offer and we reserve the right to increase the price without any prior notice.)

healthier lifestyle with Energy Tumber 500mlhealthier lifestyle with Energy Tumber 500ml

 healthier lifestyle with Energy Tumber 800mlhealthier lifestyle with Energy Tumber 800ml

Privacy Statement

Your order will be
shipped discreetly.
There will be no mention of the company and product name on the parcel.

We will never share or sell your personal information.
great satisfaction and healthier lifestyle with energy tumbler

If you want to get EnerDev™ Energy
Tumbler at this special price, you need to order now.

Note: If you are not happy with EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler after using it for 120 days, give us your feedback and just send it back to us. We will give you a 50% refund (on product price).

Click here to order and enjoy better health today with energy water!
Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice if you could drink quality water anywhere, anytime? Imagine looking good and feeling good all the time! It's so easy with EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler and a healthy lifestyle is just at an arm’s length away!
Get EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler to enjoy
better health and get a healthy lifestyle today!

Why waste your money on expensive energy water system? Your health is very important and you should to be able to get quality and long lasting energy water whenever you need. EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is all that you need for a healthier lifestyle!

"I can breathe better now..."
Every morning I suffer from running nose. The nasal mucus keeps flowing out and after that I will have nose block. Ever since I started to drink ENERDEV energy water, the condition has improved significantly. My sister use to suffer from athlete's foot problem. Foot odour always embarasses her when she take off her shoes. She was so happy that the strong smell has greatly reduced by washing and soaking her feet by using ENERDEV energy water.
- Alvin, US

PS - Three reasons why you should order now! Firstly, the price of EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler is so minimal compared to the health benefits you can have! Secondly, why waste your money on other expensive home water energy system when you can have EnerDev™ Energy Tumbler? Thirdly, you need to act now to take advantage of the special offer now.

Don't you want a healthy lifestyle? Imagine regaining your active, happy life! What is this worth to you?